Embed Windows Media Player Java

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This tutorial tells you how to stream videos with VLC Media Player in a network on a Windows computer. The process is a bit lengthy and difficult but the screen shots.

Build a Better Web Audio Player. The core ideas are the same, however, so I recommend reading this article first. . Also, read a newer article about Free and Easy Web MP3 Players. Download tutorial files (168KB zip file) I've discovered a slick way to showcase MP3s on a web site. When visitors click one of these special links, their browsers create a pop-up music player on the fly, complete with the song’s title, playback controls, and a download link. Even better, this method doesn’t require messing with Flash or third-party plugins; you simply insert some basic JavaScript and then tweak it to taste. If you use Dreamweaver, then building these special links is even easier, because the free Dreamweaver extension at the end of this article lets you make the links just by clicking a button and typing some text into a form. Here’s an example of how it works, using an acoustic guitar MP3 from Scott Tusa’s Ableton Live tutorial: Play Some Guitar (472KB) If your browser has JavaScript enabled, you should have seen a pop-up window like this: But this technique should work even if you’ve disabled JavaScript or opened the link in a new window (by right-clicking it, for example). In that case, the MP3 should have opened in a blank window or in the program that’s set to play Internet audio on your system—such as iTunes, Windows Media Player, or Winamp. In other words, the fallback is to use the same behavior as a plain text link, for example, Hear my song. (The target attribute prevents the link from blanking out the launch window, by forcing it to open in a new window.) It’s Embed Time The quickest way to add an MP3 link to a web page is to use the syntax mentioned above. But as noted, that basic text link gives your visitors an unpredictable experience—either blotting out their screen with a vast new window or booting them out of their web browser into a media-player program. In both pop-up windows above, the audio file is embedded in the web page, causing the browser to display the playback controls. No additional graphics are necessary, because they’re pulled from the helper application or plugin, such as QuickTime or Windows Media Player. The basic syntax for embedding is: (You can alter the height and width values to suit your layout, but it’s best to include them even if you decide not to display the controller. I chose a height of 42 because it accommodated the Windows Media Player controller. Douglas Adams was right.) You can add numerous attributes to the embed tag. In our player, the full entry is: The autostart=true attribute causes the file to begin playing as soon as the window loads. The background color (bgcolor) attribute fills in the blank vertical space around the shorter QuickTime controller; the color choice is up to you. For clarity, I also shortened the URL of the MP3 file; here’s the actual URL. Unfortunately, the embed tag was never officially accepted into the HTML specification, and many browsers (notably Internet Explorer) went with the object tag instead. So to handle both cases, we wrap the embed tag in an object tag with the same parameters and values: To get a sense of how powerful embedding is, check out MouseJam.com. On this site (which requires QuickTime because it was developed before the object tag took over), you can trigger clever riffs and sound bites over a streaming MIDI groove. The Link System And now the good news: You don’t have to write out any of this code, because I’ve put it in an external JavaScript file for you. To add these pop-up audio-player links to your site, you simply put a link to the external file in the head of your document like this: Then you pass the relevant values (the window title and the audio file URL) to the JavaScript with a link like this: Play Some Guitar The JavaScript file contains a function called PlayerOpen that accepts the values from the link and generates a pop-up window. Visitors who have disabled JavaScript or who open the link in a new window will trigger the basic text link. The rest will be intercepted by the onclick event handler and will trigger the JavaScript. Note the return attribute at the end of the JavaScript call; it prevents the browser from returning to fire off the text link. Also note that the URL sent by the JavaScript is formatted as this.href rather than 'gtr.mp3'. Not only does that save space, it prevents the link from breaking if you move the MP3 or the HTML file to a different directory and let your HTML editor update the text links in the document. Leave It to JavaScript Now let’s peek inside the external JavaScript file. The core of the file is the object and embedding code we discussed previously. That’s surrounded by code that generates a simple web page and formats the text: var UniqueID = 314 // Make each link open in a new window var newWinOffset = 0 // Position of first pop-up function PlayerOpen(soundfiledesc,soundfilepath) { PlayWin = window.open('',UniqueID,'width=320,height=190,top=' + newWinOffset +',left=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,menubar=0,status=0,directories=0,personalbar=0'); PlayWin.focus(); var winContent = "" + soundfiledesc + ""; winContent += "" + soundfiledesc + ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += ""; winContent += "

Download this file (right-click or Option-click)

"; winContent += "
"; winContent += ""; PlayWin.document.write(winContent); PlayWin.document.close(); // "Finalizes" new window UniqueID = UniqueID + 1 // newWinOffset = newWinOffset + 20 // subsequent pop-ups will be this many pixels lower } Currently, every window will open at the top of the screen. To stagger new windows downward, remove the first two slashes in the second-to-last line, following the phrase “UniqueID + 1”. I also experimented with setting the UniqueID variable to equal the value of soundfilepath. That prevented subsequent clicks on the same link from opening duplicate versions of the pop-up. However, Internet Explorer was not able to resolve a window ID with the long soundfilepath text string. A workaround would be to send the ID as a third variable. For the Dreamweavers As promised, here’s a shortcut for Dreamweaver users. When you install the Batmo_Embed_Pop.mxp extension (4KB zip file) in Dreamweaver, you'll gain an Insert menu command called Batmo_Embed_Pop. Simply click the cursor where you want to insert a link, and select Batmo_Embed_Pop from Dreamweaver’s Insert menu or Media palette. You’ll see a window like the one below. Enter appropriate values, click OK, and Dreamweaver will insert a complete pop-up link, JavaScript and all. Parting Thoughts I’ve had great success with this pop-up embedding method; you’ll see a variation of it used throughout the O’Reilly Digital Media site to showcase MP3s, graphics, and even movies. In the three years I’ve been using it, I’ve come across only one problem, and that was when I used it on the DVD-ROM that’s bundled with my book. Computers with Windows XP Service Pack 2 will throw up security alerts unless you configure Internet Explorer to allow ActiveX content on removable media. Another annoyance I haven’t yet tracked down is that browsers on the Mac will sometimes go silent briefly just after playback starts. One person theorized that encoding the MP3 differently might solve that, because MP3s he made on an older encoder don’t seem to suffer the dropout. But overall, the technique has greatly simplified web design and delivered a better experience to visitors.

パスを 以下の2箇所に指定します object要素のclassid属性に Windows Media Player 6.4 のクラスIDを指定した場合はFilename それ.

There s a newer version of this article: Build a Better Web Audio Player May 31, 2006. Also, read a newer article about Free and Easy Web MP3 Players.

VLC Media Player 2.1.0 Rincewind: New features & review embed windows media player java

VLC Media Player for Windows 8 has got even better with its 2.1 Release named Rincewind. Bugs have been fixed, quality has been improved, and for sure new.

How to create a live web cam feed with Windows Media Encoder. This section of my website describes how to create a live web cam feed using Windows Media.


VLC Media Player, the best media player for Windows, has become even better with its 2.1 release named “Rincewind”. Bugs have been fixed, quality has been improved, and for sure new features have been added. Bugs have been fixed in large amounts and now VLC supports many new inputs and devices. VLC 2.1.0 is the first release to be officially get ported to iOS and Android, and partially to Windows Store App and Windows RT. VLC Media Player Rincewind has a rewritten audio core which allows better volume outputs and better device management. In order to support the new core, some of the modules have also been rewritten. Rincewind also correctly support multi-channel layouts in all formats: 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1. All new audio outputs have been added to give its user a good and smooth audio experience. If we see video improvements, most of them are done for Mobile Versions, as color conversion shaders are now supported on Android and iOS, and a new filter for side-by-side 3D has been successfully introduced. Moreover Open GL output has been ported to OpenGL ES and as a result of which VLC has introduced new video outputs for iOS using OpenGL ES2. Hardware encoding for various platforms has been added and VLC now supports Microsoft Smooth Streaming. Now VLC shows support for fragmented MP4, Wave/RF64 files and for FLAC, Atrac, ADPCM, DV Type 1, 12bits DV audio in AVI files. Some of the extended features are Better support for AVI and MKV files Audio fingerprinting using AcoustID Developments on Blu-Ray, Dash and HTTP inputs Better windowless integration for HTML Many more features… There are many other features included, out of which some are very useful for developers and rest for all the VLC lovers. This release has added something essential to the software and it has been made better. Rincewind update is considered to be as one of the important VLC updates since it includes a lot major and minor improvements. We’ve seen many bugs fixed and many new features added. The best ever media player has become even better. You will find the updates very useful, as all the codec upgrades can play maximum file formats smoothly. Click here to download VLC Media Player.